Sunday, December 30, 2007


I was so spoiled this week. From Grandma and Grandpa I got a T-shirt with something written on it, that will be posted soon so you can see it. I got a stocking full of toys including a lobster, santa, and two french fry packs with a rope in between (you can see them above). I also got a stuffed squirrel and treats from my Grammy and Grampy and also some cookies from cousin Chase. People are tripping on all my toys because I keep dragging them everywhere. I think it's funny.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Hi everyone! I celebrated Christmas at my house. Everyone was talking about how cold Christmas is supposed to be but there was lots of sunshine . We even lit the fireplace (my New Favorite Thing) but opened the window a little for some air since it was warm. Anyways, I took my place in my happy spot- my bed next to the fireplace, and I got to open my stocking. As you can see I was thrilled to move...My presents were pretty cool, but after all that unwrapping I just had to take a nap, and brought one of my best presents with me as a pillow- tissue paper.
I hope you all had a great holiday! I didn't even pee on the Christmas tree once!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Videos Galore

Here I am listening attentively to some of my favorite words "Park" "Day Care" and "Buddy"- my older boyfriend at Day Care. I also like "Dork" because it sounds like "Park." Looks like my head would swivel off if it could, huh?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Can You Hear Me?

Are you ready? Be afraid... here's what I sound like when I chase after my baby...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Can you pick your nose with your tongue? I can!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for:
My Baby
My Monkey (above)
Toilet Paper Rolls
Laps to curl up in
The Park
Bully Sticks
Tub Time
Day Care
And having a home that I can call my own. Even if this Thanksgiving weekend I'm not in it. It's ok, I have all my Day Care friends for a few days and I'm going to have FUN!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball

I think playing ball is one of my favorite things to do in life. In fact, I am told that I must dream about a spotlight on a ball because sometimes when I'm sleeping my little legs twitch like I'm running after one...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Meerkat Manor

I am sitting pretty for a cookie here, but I'm told that I look more like a Meerkat. I'll pretty much do anything for a cookie though, so I don't take that as an insult. Even if it does have the word 'kat' in it...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Model Behavior

There's a new fancy camera in the house. Guess who has to endure endless photo shoots?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Me and My Things

I have a toy basket as you know, filled with things I love like my Baby, Best Friend, Monkey, and others. The red thing is a slipper that I coveted for so long that finally it became mine. There's also Tan Ball that fits in my mouth perfectly, and the remains of an orange Stunt Pilot Plane that I ripped open to find the delicious inside squeak. But none of these compare to my favorite thing in the world, called a Bully Stick. I can chew on that thing for hours and hours. Funny how it's given to me when people get tired of throwing the ball or playing tug with me...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Take Two

Do you ever take a really bad picture? So what if I was having a bad hair day on top of it. At least the paparazzi didn't catch me peeing again.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Day Care

I know it's a little hard to see this picture but let me explain what's going on: The dog on the left is Homer, and the white dog on the right is Gizmo (smelling my tummy). I am upside-down in the middle and having a ball with my boyfriends at Day Care. We are the Terrible Threesome and get into all sorts of trouble. I think maybe I get into the most trouble because from time to time I get put into the "room" away from the other dogs and people until I behave. Either that or they think I'm so cute and can't handle being away from me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Remy Remy Pumpkin Eater

So at the end of October, there are these big orange balls that I saw everywhere. After trying to play with them and being bitterly disappointed that they didn't bounce, I got to sample the insides of one of them. I REALLY loved it, and kept trying to sneak in and eat the seeds and guts. Afterwards they were carved and lit up and I still tried to eat them. Seems like I'm always being banned from fun things...

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I like to call this one "Halloween Humiliation"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Fall Vacation, Part 3

So that thing I smelled before, the ocean? I got to see it close up. Aaaaand I didn't really like it too much. It's loud, the smells were overwhelming and I was cold. I was also fascinated by the seals that were checking me out.

But I can still pull off the stunning modeling pose, right? Kinda like Derek Zoolander, (incidentally, he was also a rooster in Australia from my other favorite blog here). Anyhow the sand threw me off and I refused to sit on it. Just so you know I'm not about to poop or anything. Would YOU like to put your naked bum on the wet sand?? I didn't think so.

Friday, October 26, 2007

My Fall Vacation, Part 2

After the sniff of ocean, I ended up in this amazing house in the woods. Can you even IMAGINE all the things I could eat or chase around here? There was a population explosion of little moths everywhere and I gulped about 4-5 of them- too bad they were fished out of my mouth. I know I'm not supposed to eat between meals but give me a break, sometimes you need a snack! I came close to licking a banana slug but that fun was taken away from me as well. I guess I'll just sit here and look at the trees. No, WAIT! I know, I'll get stuck in a fence! (My first video, I'm so excited):

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Fall Vacation, Part 1

I got to go on another vacation! I got put in my bikini in the back of the car and drove for hours. Just when I thought we were going to end up in Palm Springs again, the window cracked open a little and the most unusual scent wafted into my nose. I heard it's called the Pacific Ocean and it doesn't always smell nice. Here's a picture of my very first view of it. I didn't know what to think but my little nose quivered and wrinkled itself like crazy! But very quickly after that I went back to chewing my Dentabone (tm) on my blankie.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Mom went to Australia and all I got was this dumb suitcase to sleep in.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Model Child

Here I am doing my best "wistful look off into the distance" pose. Either that or I see a squirrel or a cat or something. Nothing catches my attention more than a squirrel or a cat. Except for a leaf, a jeep parked on the street, a worm on the ground, a shirt hanging on a chair, the vaccuum cleaner (shudder), some shoes on the floor, a painting... I guess I'm easily distracted... What was I saying?...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sock Attack

I learned a bad habit. Well, I was sorta TAUGHT a bad habit. I love to attack socks on people's feet and tug. Sometimes I tug them all the way off their feet. I try and be gentle to avoid biting the toes too hard, but when you get the urge, sometimes you have to just go for it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fun With Toilet Paper (Part 2)

I know I shouldn't. But Toilet Paper can be SO MUCH FUN! Don't you agree?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

What's In My Mouth?

I really enjoy eating things. When I'm in the house I vacuum the kitchen floor with my nose for dropped morsels. I already talked about how I love to eat underwear and cardboard boxes. Outside is a world of forbidden treats and my favorites are definitely dried worms and snails. Yummy! Can you imagine trying to fish those things out of my mouth with your finger?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Aquatic Family

I know it's hard sometimes for me to believe as well, but I'm not the only pet in the house. Behold my underwater sisters and brothers. In this picture, if you look closely, you can see four different types of fish. This tank has been around since before me and all the fish in it have been named after different soft drinks. At first there was Coke and Pepsi, then Coke died so there was New Coke. Then Diet Coke and Pepsi, then several others. Here's who's left... The two bright orange ones who are Platys are Orange Crush and Cactus Cooler, there's a yellow guppy that's named Country Time (lemonade), the other guppy is on the top right with a long tail and its' name is RC Cola, on the bottom on the log there's a teeeeny little black and yellow bumblebee goby named Fanta, his partner Shasta is in the very back bottom left, looking into the glass... and on the far right on the log is the HUGE head of Mr. Pibb. Mr. Pibb actually got too big for this tank, as plecostomus fish get, so he has moved into a much bigger tank with new friends. I don't know what their names are. Also missing from this photo are two YoYo Loaches, named A and W, respectively.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Best Friend

This is heaven. My new bed, my baby AND... a new toy that we call 'Best Friend'. It's an orange octopus. Why do I have so many octopus toys? I'm not sure. But I love Best Friend almost as much as I love my Baby. Though Baby bounces better and I can grip it in my mouth better, too. Here I am after playing with both of them for a long time. Pooped!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Don't Drink The Water

When I go to the dog park and get a little hot, they conveniently put a tub of water for me to hop into and bathe in. What's that? It's supposed to be for DRINKING out of? Why do they make it so big then?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

New Bed

What do you think? Does it look like I am happy in it?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back In Business

Good news everyone! The camera has been found and so have the photos that were on it. Bad news is that now the charger went on a digital holiday in the house, so until we locate that we're stuck with the new batch of photos only. It's ok though, there's plenty to talk about. I have to tell you all about my new bed, a new toy, and my fish family. Are you curious now? Stay tuned!

Friday, August 31, 2007

TGIR (Ripley)

It's my favorite day of the week- oh yeaaaah! We've been tearing it up all morning, me and Rip. So far we've demolished a slipper, chased each other up and down the stairs about 34 times and now we're both covered in dog spit. Best day ever!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Finding Fun

There are a couple things wrong in my universe right now. First of all it's waaaaay too hot to do much. After my morning walks I pretty much drink a gallon of water and go right to sleep. Secondly, there's a flu outbreak for dogs going on and I'm not heading out to the park as much. So I have to create my own fun and I do that by annoying people until they play with me, or just hopping into my toy basket for attention.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Three, Two, One- Action!

Well the iPod was located (thank goodness) but the camera is still on some sort of journey around the house so here's an older action shot of me at grandma & grandpa's. I love to chase after tennis balls (I'm soooo fast too!) and sometimes they unravel and split in two like this but I still like fetching them. When you throw a ball for me (especially my Baby) I make an incredible amount of growling noise when I go after it. It makes people turn around and look when I'm at the park.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hide The Treats

I have such a strong instinct for burying my food. When I get a big bone I usually eat half of it, then bury the other half in various places. I like putting things under pillows, along sleeping bodies of humans, in corners, on the stairs, and in my bed(s). I make a big production of covering my items with "air" dirt, nuzzling it with my nose. Then about 20 seconds later I usually pick the bone up again and move it to a different location. When I'm looking for a place to put it I usually cry but it sounds like "mwhnnn mwhnnn" because my mouth is full. (Sweater in this photo from Grammy).

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Vintage Remy

Well the camera has gone missing somewhere, probably went on a digital holiday with the MIA iPod. So today you get an old picture of me, circa January 2007, when I was first adopted into my (now) home. My name at the time was "Ruby" and I was really shy. I would cry at the windows and doors and even tore up some carpeting. It wasn't my fault, I was just scared to be left alone. Now, of course, I rule this place.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

'Rip N Me

We've started having Ripley Fridays, where he comes over in the morning for a few hours to play. It's probably the best part of my week! We play very well together. I share my toys with him and he's just as destructive as I am with them. But if he's playing with a toy by himself I get bored and pout. If I am playing with a toy by myself he looks at me and cries. Eventually the toys are taken away for a minute and we play together again. And when he leaves I pass out in my bed(s).

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Octopus, no

This octopus had 8 legs. Now it has one. It actually took a couple months to whittle it down but I sure did a good job, don't you think?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Summer 'Do

Here's me in my bikini harness in the car with another new haircut. It's been in the 100's here and all this hair makes me even hotter. Now I'm back to being sassy and staying cool.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Girly Girly

Sometimes I am put in ridiculous outfits. I think the lesson learned here is that I'm a girl, but frilly, lacy things just don't look right on me. I'd rather go chase squirrels than get a pedicure. Even though I'm female, I still like to do things that boys do too- and I'm told that it's totally ok!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Playtime with Ripley

Friday was another playdate with Ripley, my Border Terrier buddy. We shared toys...
And rested (but not for too long). Isn't it great to have friends over to play?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Missing People

I had one of my favorite Aunties come and visit me a couple weeks ago. (I try and show her how much I love her by eating her underwear, but somehow that doesn't go over very well). Anyways, she left and I was sad, so I kept hopping up and trying to sleep in her bed, before it was put away. Do you ever miss people? I don't know when I'll see my Auntie again but I have a lot of fun memories of her until I do.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Take A Bow

I am learning a new trick, "take a bow" which I usually call "STRETCHING" but whatever.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sitting Pretty

I know how to do a lot of different things. Here I am sitting pretty for the camera when Reggie was over. I also know to shake paws (you have to say "how do you do?" first, though), lay down, roll over and wave. I'm learning more every day, especially when it means that I get a cookie for it. COOKIE!!!! One of my favorite words...

Monday, August 6, 2007


Sometimes, you just can't find a good place to snooze. You already saw how I like laundry baskets, now check out how I can make a perfectly good napping spot out of a piece of tissue paper. A little crunchy and noisy when I moved, but all in all suitable for my needs.

Friday, August 3, 2007


Today not only did I get to go to Day Care (where I misbehaved a little and had to be disciplined, shame on me), but in the afternoon the doorbell rang and guess who came in the door? Reggie!!! We were in a mellow mood and didn't play too much but I'm teaching him how to tug. Usually I get so excited, I thrash around and "kill" the rope toy but every now and then Reggie grabs the other end and pulls with me. After a little while the two of us just laid on the couch on each other but you'll have to wait until my auntie sends over that picture. By the end of the day I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Heavy? I beg to differ. I have put on a little weight since my rescue, but I'm still only about 12 lbs, and not enough to require bending your knees to pick me up. Oh- wait, that sticker's not for me? Where's this Australia anyways? Can I go too?

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

In The Car

I actually love going in the car because usually I end up: At the dog park, at day care, visiting a friend, at Grandma & Grandpa's, on vacation, or the vet's (oooh that one is a real bummer but I take my chances). Because it is dangerous for little dogs like me to run loose in the car, I have a harness (we call it my bikini) that goes around my body, then attaches to the seat belt in the back seat. That way if anything were to happen the seat belt would protect me from flying out the car or something horrible like that. Most of the time I like looking out the window, but sometimes I just fall asleep.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Tug At The Heartstrings

I love to tug with my rope toys. I also like to tug with: slippers, socks (while they are still being worn), stuffed animals, underwear (though it's usually taken away from me), bathroom tissue, and towels.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Trouble And Fish Guts

You may recall a while ago that I mentioned the pond at my Grandma & Grandpa's? Well there was a catastrophe of some sort where almost all the fish in the pond ended up floating belly up. Since then, my Grandpa has cleaned it out and buried all the dead fish, very well too, since he didn't want any wild animals to dig them up and make a mess. Today I went to my grandparents house, and in three very quick unsupervised minutes I managed to find a nice dead goldfish body that I proudly carried onto the lawn, much to the surprise of everyone. I was just about to ingest it when I was rudely taken from my special dining moment and brought inside. Well, since I didn't have my fish I decided that instead I would find tissue in the bathroom trash to munch on, a mysterious food item on the carpet in the dining room which I tried to pull up, and a small piece of paper that I got stuck on my lip. All in all I think I made my mom very tired.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Whale and Barnacle

Last night I got to see Mylo again, and we played silly as usual. Since he is so much bigger than me everyone says we look like a whale (since he's big and black) and barnacle (since I'm white-ish and always hanging on him somehow. He likes to sit on me but I wriggle out and attack him. We play amazingly well together for being such different sizes and stuff. I guess that's what friendship is about, huh?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Investigative Reporting

I went to Grandma & Grandpa's again and did more snooping around in the yard. Since I have such a refined sense of smell, I managed to find, in the grass, a superbly stinky spot that I proceeded to wiggle in on my back. There was some shouting about a stink bug being squashed but I just didn't want to stop. Afterward, I was given a bath.