Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sock Attack

I learned a bad habit. Well, I was sorta TAUGHT a bad habit. I love to attack socks on people's feet and tug. Sometimes I tug them all the way off their feet. I try and be gentle to avoid biting the toes too hard, but when you get the urge, sometimes you have to just go for it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fun With Toilet Paper (Part 2)

I know I shouldn't. But Toilet Paper can be SO MUCH FUN! Don't you agree?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

What's In My Mouth?

I really enjoy eating things. When I'm in the house I vacuum the kitchen floor with my nose for dropped morsels. I already talked about how I love to eat underwear and cardboard boxes. Outside is a world of forbidden treats and my favorites are definitely dried worms and snails. Yummy! Can you imagine trying to fish those things out of my mouth with your finger?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Aquatic Family

I know it's hard sometimes for me to believe as well, but I'm not the only pet in the house. Behold my underwater sisters and brothers. In this picture, if you look closely, you can see four different types of fish. This tank has been around since before me and all the fish in it have been named after different soft drinks. At first there was Coke and Pepsi, then Coke died so there was New Coke. Then Diet Coke and Pepsi, then several others. Here's who's left... The two bright orange ones who are Platys are Orange Crush and Cactus Cooler, there's a yellow guppy that's named Country Time (lemonade), the other guppy is on the top right with a long tail and its' name is RC Cola, on the bottom on the log there's a teeeeny little black and yellow bumblebee goby named Fanta, his partner Shasta is in the very back bottom left, looking into the glass... and on the far right on the log is the HUGE head of Mr. Pibb. Mr. Pibb actually got too big for this tank, as plecostomus fish get, so he has moved into a much bigger tank with new friends. I don't know what their names are. Also missing from this photo are two YoYo Loaches, named A and W, respectively.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Best Friend

This is heaven. My new bed, my baby AND... a new toy that we call 'Best Friend'. It's an orange octopus. Why do I have so many octopus toys? I'm not sure. But I love Best Friend almost as much as I love my Baby. Though Baby bounces better and I can grip it in my mouth better, too. Here I am after playing with both of them for a long time. Pooped!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Don't Drink The Water

When I go to the dog park and get a little hot, they conveniently put a tub of water for me to hop into and bathe in. What's that? It's supposed to be for DRINKING out of? Why do they make it so big then?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

New Bed

What do you think? Does it look like I am happy in it?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back In Business

Good news everyone! The camera has been found and so have the photos that were on it. Bad news is that now the charger went on a digital holiday in the house, so until we locate that we're stuck with the new batch of photos only. It's ok though, there's plenty to talk about. I have to tell you all about my new bed, a new toy, and my fish family. Are you curious now? Stay tuned!