Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Auntie's Bed

Guess who's in the house again??!!! AUNTIE!!! So far she's thwarted all my attempts to get into her suitcase and clothes, but today she had her bed folded up like this:And I thought that somehow, in the middle of all these sheets and blankets, I could find myself a cozy nice little nap spot...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Above are pieces of my dog kibble. I just don't think it's good enough to eat it in my bowl, so I take a few pieces at a time in my mouth, and go "picnic" somewhere else. Today I felt like dining al fresco on the living room rug. Sometimes I even bury it for future snacking.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sleeping Beauties

Believe it or not, here's me and Ripley sleeping soundly. I love that I'm hugging my pink octopus and that Ripley is hugging me. It's fun to take naps with your friends after you play. We're a little more on the low energy today because it's so hot outside. 107 degrees (F) the last we checked! Hope everyone here is staying cool!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Monty and Daphne for Dinner

Recently Monty and Daphne came over to my house again, and there was quite an uproar when they got to the door. Monty knew I was on the other side, you see. And I am just excited when anyone comes to the door because sometimes they are my friends. Sure enough, when the door opened and I saw my pals, it was crazy loud for a few minutes. Then, while the humans ate people food for dinner, we settled in to play with my toys. Actually Monty and I played, as you can see above.

Daphne wanted nothing to do with our silly behavior, so she turned her head:

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sad Day and a Date

I don't have a photo to put up right now, but I wanted to say that I was so sad to hear that my friend Lilly, who is Tyler and Jet's sister, passed away on Friday. She was a sweet little Westie that came over to my house once. She was 14 years old and had a very good life with her family, who loved her very much. Her owners are also the owners of Day Care, so I know it is a very hard time for them. I will try and be extra nice to them when I go in there next.

Today I got up and went on another date with BUDDY!!! I picked him up at Day Care and we walked a while to get coffee (actually, come to think of it, Buddy and I didn't get to taste any coffee at all). When we got back from our walk, we played a little together but then I had to go home. I've been sleeping and pouting all day since I got back here. Maybe I will dream of him again tonight...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Evil Nemesis

What am I looking at here? I also barked, squealed, and flipped over because of....THIS EVIL CREATURE THAT DARED PEEK OVER THE FENCE TO LOOK INTO MY PATIO. These little things are everywhere in the mornings when I go on walks, tormenting me in trees, with their chittering and chattering. The other day one even stopped in the middle of the road and had the nerve to sit pretty and stare at me. I'm told they are just common squirrels, but I think they are an evil breed of monster that is out to get me. Even if they are pretty cute...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Time Out

I know you can't believe it, but after all that playing, Ripley and I have to take a little break from time to time. I had to go to Day Care again for a few days, and when I became a little annoying they just put me in the back with the big dogs and I was in double-heaven. Of course, Buddy was there Saturday too, so I was in heaven. Too bad we were just getting romantic when I was picked up to go home.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Backseat Drivers

Last night, around 6 when I was getting really squirrelly, Ripley's mom came to the door. Then we went out to the car and there was Ripley! So of course I hopped in and then... we ended up at the Park! Can you imagine how much fun that was? Playing with Ripley AND being at the park. We did some wrestling for a bit, but mostly sniffed and ran around. I hope I can do this all the time.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tubbing It

Well, I'm back from my mini vacation at Day Care, and even though I like it there, I didn't behave very well. I was just "being Remy" they said. Which meant I had a few time-outs. I didn't like not being at my house and decided that everyone else should be unhappy too. And now I'm going back there again for a few days! Sheesh. The good thing is that I got a new haircut when I was boarding, and a bath too. In fact, I liked the bath so much I decided to hop into the bathtub at home and hope there would be water there. Sometimes I get to splash around with a little water, which is one of my favorite things to do. It's called "Tub Time!" I looked so cute alone in the tub that the water came after this photo for me to play in.