Monday, August 25, 2008

Knock-Knock, A Present For Me!

Why do I look so dapper in this green bandanna you may ask? Well first of all, even though I'm a girl, pink really isn't my color. But mainly it's because I got a present today, you'll never guess who from....
Hey, let me take a peek at the card- OH! It's from Auntie!!! What a nice surprise! I never get anything and here's a huge basket full of goodies.

Here's a video of me dissecting the basket below:

Man am I spoiled. Thanks, Auntie. You didn't have to do that. But it made me SO HAPPY. Kinda like the joy I get from eating your underwear, only less fibrous. Love you!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Frontline Drama Queen

I am so upset.
Once a month(ish) this package opens up and a liquid gets squirted out of a small bottle onto my neck.
I cannot possibly tell you how awful it is.
It's..... cold, and...wet, and...kinda smells for a few minutes and.... I know you're thinking, "so, what?" ...but let me just tell you how tragic it is. I have to run around hunched over as if someone's just beaten me for about a half-hour. Then I have to act offended for an additional 45 minutes or so, and pace the house while I'm at it. I will NOT accept normal cookies (slight exceptions for the SUPER good ones), and I will NOT allow anyone to try and console me. This humiliation and pain requires me to be on my own. And I'm told that if there were a dog equivalent of the Oscars I would win it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Big Orange Sheep***

***Also works well as a pillow when you're being ignored

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Birthday Greetings

OK, I'm ready for my photo shoot. 'Happy Birthday Auntie, Take One":

Hmm, that flash is really bright, let's try it again:

Wait- I thought I saw a cookie run by, let's do one more:

Ahem. I think I need a better photographer, this one totally doesn't know what she's doing. I SO don't close my eyes with professional camerapeople. One last time:

THERE we go, now we're ready to wish our Auntie a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today! I hope you get to have cake. Just make sure it's not chocolate or you'll have to get your stomach pumped. Love, Remy and the gang...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

P.S. I Love You

I went on a 3-day vacation to my favorite vacation house- Palm Springs! Here's a short list of what I did when I got there:
*Didn't want to go to bed because it was more fun chasing crickets
*Woke up (annoyingly) early to play
*Ate a partial cricket, caught many
*Slept in the sunshine (see above)
*Went in the pool
*Got to pee and wander in a yard without my leash
*Captured and ALMOST ate a baby lizard until it was taken from me. (Mom didn't look happy about that)
*Got to visit my friends Tyler and Jet at my human Day Care friends' house in Palm Springs too!
*Played with new toys, which weren't as much fun as the crickets.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Friend

This is Izzy:She's a few months old and one of my Day Care friends. She's named after someone I love, and is a Brussels Griffon. She's a puppy so I wasn't to keen on her at first, but I had a lecture on being nice to little kids and now we play together. Sometimes she gets really frisky when I come in and I have to tell her to go easy on me, but she's really cute and it's hard to be mad at her. Soon she's probably going to be bigger than me. I think she's coming to my house soon, we'll see how we play when she's here!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Too Cool For Pool

Yesterday I went to Ripley's new house and backyard. Not only did I find the one little hole left in the fence and get out, I also made a mad dash for the gate door when it opened up. I just like to explore, that's all. All that activity got me hot so Ripley and I took a dip in the pool. Actually we were lured in by force but once we found a shoulder to prop ourselves up in, we felt better. Here we are with our best serious faces.

You'd think that would be enough, but no, not for me! I decided that the best way to dry off after being in the pool was to roll around in a big dirt patch. I don't know why everyone was yelling and laughing, but I did smell pretty much like mud and had to be hosed off again.

It was a pretty crazy day.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cardboard Rehab

Why would I care about beer when the BOX it came in can be so much more fun to chew on?