Monday, January 26, 2009


I know it's winter but doesn't everyone love a piece of watermelon? It's on my roster of favorite foods, along with carrots, apples and mangos. I do NOT, however, appreciate bananas, or any citrus. Occasionally I crave edamame, but my all time favorite thing to eat these days is the leftover yogurt in the bowl when anyone is done eating. I'm a pretty healthy little mutt.

Friday, January 9, 2009

TGI Izzy

Izzy came for a playdate today! After a week of Ripley it was nice to get some girl time in, too. I am trying to teach little Izzy lots of bad habits and behaviors, and so far she's catching on pretty quickly. Already she ate out of the trash and makes lots of noise when she plays too. I hope I can also teach her to annoy mom while she's working...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year, More Play

It's been almost two whole weeks since I've seen Ripley, thank goodness he showed up at my door today. I think I actually screamed when he got to the door. We've been rolling and tugging and loving every minute. Happy New Year everybody!!