Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh No, Not Again...

Please take me with you this time? Pleeeeease? Wait, what? I get to spend a week at Izzy's house with Auntie T2 and the girls? Hmmm... that actually sounds pretty cool. Check in with you guys later!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Your Friday Dose of Cute

I was saving this photo for a really good day, and Fridays are always pretty good days, right? They say Izzy and I are joined at the hip but this is a little ridiculous, don't you think? Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Sometimes, in the morning, I like to sit in the tiniest patch of sunshine possible. And sometimes I look like my legs have been removed. Don't worry, they are still there. Here I'm not really ready to get up yet...

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Izzies

Above you can see Izzy the Duck (in the middle) over at the Hydrorancho. Word has it that her sister Kitsci has grown bigger than her now. I think she would be fun to chase around for a while, but I don't know how I'm ever going to get to Australia.

Next up we have Izzy the Dog. She was over on Friday and we had our usual playtime. I have heard a rumor that I am going to be staying at Izzy's house for a week, which sounds like the best time ever for me!

Monday, April 13, 2009

All Back To Normal

After everyone being in different places, my life is now back to the way it should be- Ripley is here, we've played like monsters, and now we're napping. Nobody should ever, EVER keep us apart for that long again, OKAY???

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Trick or Treat?

I sure do love my treats. "Cookies" of all sorts are good by me. I usually do a little trick for a treat, and boy does it pay off. Here's a photo of me getting a little overly excited as my Dad pulls out the treat jar - yummy!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ripley - Thinking Of You

Since my Mom's been hanging out on the farm it's been pretty quiet around here. I'm having a good time and all, but I have to say that the Ripley-less days are getting to me. I finally broke down and took comfort in his cage. It made me feel better laying on his blanket.

Hide n' Seek

Is that spaghetti sauce on Tommy's face? Why does everything remind me of food?

Anyway, let's move on.... I guess I was feeling a little bummed out last night about my Mom being gone so I hid away in a special little hiding place. My Dad looked all over for me for about 10 minutes before he spotted my leg.

Can you see me up there in that picture? I'm a master at disguise.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

More From Hydrorancho

This double-blogging thing is fun! While Remy is getting clean in California, everyone here is enjoying a little rain. Above is the lovely Tommy, who is the big boy in the group, and so handsome! Everyone loves mucking around in the mud, lots of worms and goodies in there. Speaking of mucking in the mud, have you ever seen a chicken who thinks she's a duck? This is Speedy the Wonder Chicken, she of nine lives and a real thing of beauty. I can't believe I actually got to meet everyone in person!

Bathing Beauty

I got my Dad up early today and he took me to one of my favorite places in the world - the P-A-R-K!

It was all fun and games until I got home and heard the tub being turned on! From the photo above, you can imagine what happened next.

At least I smell better and can once again be called a "beauty queen".

Friday, April 3, 2009

We Interrupt This Blog...

Hello! Remy's mom reporting from Australia and the Hydrorancho Headquarters: Home of Speedy the Wonder Chicken, Tommy, Lady and the ducklings, and many other ducks and chickens. Not to mention their caretakers, who are taking care of me very well to say the least. I put this picture up of the property because I thought about how much Remy would love to chase a ball if I threw it for her? Guess what they grow here? I'll give you a hint:

Fresh bananas from the tree taste much MUCH differently than store bought kinds. I doubt if I will ever enjoy them the same again. Of course on a farm you're going to have lots of visitors, including the eight-legged kind. This is my second run-in with a BABY Huntsman spider-turned-peeping tom while I was in the shower:

Of course the big excitement of the visit is meeting IZZY! I'll let you guess which one she is in the photo. Here's a hint- she's just like her namesake- either opening up for food or to talk...

More soon from the ranch, where it's raining every day but wearing gumboots (galoshes) is fun and splashing in puddles and mud is funner! Missing my Remy,
Mom xo

Workin' 9 to 5

I got to go to work with my Dad today - I felt fancy and big time. My Dad's work is cool because I've got two friends there - Monty and Daphne. We usually play like crazy, but today we all just laid around. It may have had something to do with a broken air conditioner and too much heat in the office?

Must have been as it looks like I'm panting in the photo above, showing a little tongue.

I did find a huge spider on the floor however. What is this place? The Hydrorancho or something?

The Farmer In The Dell

First my very own duck and now my very own sheep? Heck, I've got my own farm brewing here.

Someone gave me a very special gift. A blue sheep. I like it, but every time I try to play with it this strange "baaa, baaa, baaa" sound comes out. It kinda freaks me out so I drop it out of my mouth and tilt my head to figure out what is going on?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Alright now look. There's been all this duck talk lately. In fact, someone I know and love just flew all the way across the world to meet one. These duck creatures must be pretty cool huh? Well, I'll tell ya what I did. After I left my friends at daycare, I went out and got myself my very own duck.

Small, yellow and boy does (she/he?) quack up a storm.

I'm not sure I get this duck thing yet? Hmmm.... I hope my special someone is having a better time with their duck vs. mine. I kinda want to bite the beak, is that bad?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's Going On Here?

There's a suitcase out. That is never a good thing. I heard something about a trip to meet Izzy the Duck but I'm not going along.

While mom is gone there will be a special guest blogger to help me type my thoughts. Stay tuned for that and for photos of the Hydrorancho farm and all the feathered kids!
