Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This is a Praying Mantis. It's been in my mouth. Well, not THIS one but one just like it. I got to go to the Palm Springs house for a little vacation and I almost got to snack on one of these guys. Unfortunately, it was taken from me, but not until I managed to chew a leg off. Everyone was a little disgusted, but I thought it was pretty funny.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Buddy

Did you know that if anyone says Buddy's name around me I start to cry? I LOVE this dog, he is so hunky and dreamy. And when he uses his nose to knock me over like a bowling ball, I just run back to lick his face for more. I get to see him on the weekends mainly. If we're lucky we get locked into a cage together. I'm happy to share my water with him too.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bed Hopping

Today I got to spend the day at Ripley's office. It was fun to be away from the house and go through someone else's things. I got tired and stole Ripley's bed from him, though he's always welcome to share... There's something weird going on at my house, every time I come it it smells like people were there and I can't figure out what's going on. But I've sure been on a lot of pointless trips lately.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I'd like to take this opportunity to speak to you from The Box (a/k/a Auntie H's desk). I hopped up here to get attention...er.... I mean to speak to you about a serious topic: The lack of COOKIES in this house. I mean, I get some but there should be COOKIES given to me at least every hour. Thank you for your time.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Foot Pillow

Auntie H was here today. I think she comes over just to see me, even if she pretends to do some work with mom. Because I'm so enthusiastic to see Auntie H, mom sometimes gives me a bone to chew on and keep me busy. But all that gnawing can make a girl tired so I usually roll over and take a nap. Today it just so happened that Auntie H's foot was there for me to rest my head on.