Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm OK!

There are a few of you who have reached out to see if I'm safe from the scary fires that have been burning in the hills above my house. Thankfully I'm far enough that I won't be in any danger, but the smoke sure does bother me, and I can see flames from my street. The picture above was taken from the roof of my house and the one below from the street tonight. I feel so bad for all the animals in the forest. I know that this has to happen sometimes in nature but it doesn't seem fair, does it?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


There have been lots of changes in my life lately. Before I talk about them, I needed to take a rest first.

Not to be outdone, Ripley takes a rest at his office, too...

I'll be on again soon to fill everyone in on the Big News in my life. There's quite a lot! In the meantime, I'll just close my eyes for a little bit longer...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Auntie Love

Auntie was here and I did everything I could to crawl into, under and on her bed. She even took this picture of me. She said something about seeing me next time in my new home, but I'm not sure what that means. I'll just sit here and look cute, instead.