Friday, January 11, 2008

RIP Duck Friends :(

I am so sad to hear the news from my friends in Australia. I have told you about my other favorite animal blog, the Ducks of LBC. Well, three of the ducks (all the girls): Katsca and the Twins, have passed away because of some things they ate that made them sick. I want to extend my sympathy to them and their mum who loved them very much, just like I did.


melbajh said...

Oh Remy, Mandy passed away yesterday as well. He is the male duck on the far right hand side of the above photo. If there are any more duck deaths I'm going to have to change my blog name.

Remy The Dog said...

Oh No! Now just Tommy and Beaker left, huh? We are all so sad for you here. Any more problems and we're going to have to jump on a plane to come and help you guys out. We'll remember to pack an umbrella.

melbajh said...

Don't forget gumboots, you'll need those as well.