Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Backyard Sleuthing

Izzy's been coming over about once a week. We hang out and do stuff together. When we're not napping, we like to go play outside. This week, we did a little investigating in my backyard.

First Izzy spotted something on the ground. I, of course, had to also go check it out to make sure I wasn't missing out on anything.

Because I have such superior detection skills, I kept a vigil on whatever was the initial cause of interest.

Izzy, however, decided that eating grass was a better option.

Eventually all this excitement wore us out and we had to take a break.

Nothing like laying in the summer sun with one of your best buddies. Izzy is one of my favorite dogs in the world. In fact, she's named after...ahhmm...well, we'll save that for another time....

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